Horses - myths and legends

For about 5 thousand years, horses have been side by side with humans. During this time, they have managed to become not only indispensable assistants in craft, friends and sports fighters, but also part of the culture of different peoples.

On the eve of Halloween, we'll tell you about the most unusual horses and legends shrouded in mystery...


You wouldn't wish your enemy to meet this creature. In Scottish mythology, Kelpie is a water spirit. The Scots think of Kelpie as a werewolf who can take on many different forms. However, it is most often seen as a horse. Its appearance has been described in various ways, but one cannot mistake the creature's eyes, which attract like a magnet and are either full of tears or filled with bright light, for anything. With all its appearance, Kelpie lures a man to sit on its back, and then swiftly plunges with him into the abyss. It is impossible to jump off the creature, as Kelpie, by unknown forces, makes a person stick to his body. Therefore, if you suddenly find yourself near a body of water and see hoofprints placed backwards on the shore, it is better to choose another place to rest

Hel Horse.

A lone ghost with an unhappy fate but deadly intentions. In contrast to Kelpie is more selective, but it is better to avoid meeting with him, and especially to look at him. Many years ago there was a ritual: before burying the dead in a new cemetery, a horse was buried alive there. Horses Hel and call those unfortunate souls. The people say they have seen the ghost either decapitated or strutting on three legs. But those who did see them died soon after. That's why the stories about Hel the horse were most often told by old people. Death, is that you?


The ray of light in this intimidating company is the Japanese (Oriental) unicorn, or simply Kirin. Although the creature has quite a few aggressive traits, legends describe Kirin as a representative of the law and a fighter for justice. Kirin's appearance on the courts always ended with the violent death of the guilty and the rescue of the innocent. The deity can be seen on two occasions: the beginning of a new era and the birth of a great leader. Assuming that we are talking about astrological eras, the closest change will occur in the year 2219. That's a long way off... That leaves Plan B. Confucius' mother met a deity before he was born. So we wait for the birth of a new leader.

The encounter with Kirin is a worthwhile thing, for those lucky enough to cross paths with the deity, if only for a moment, will have good fortune and prosperity for the rest of their lives


The next creature can only be encountered if, by some miracle, you wander into Tartarus. Malfunctions in navigation happen to everyone, but not so much... So we only have to meet K'jaard, a representative of ancient Greek mythology, in absentia.

A demonic being of exceptional intelligence, conceit and character. Only a vampire can control K'jaard, given that the demon chooses its own rider. Many vampires have even been forced to give up their K'jaard, because not only do they feel sillier than their silent companion, but they also can't find an approach to it. The fact is, a K'jaard would never allow itself to be tamed and enslaved by force. If, after all, a rider builds trust, K'jaard will become his most loyal friend.

Interesting fact: K'jaards have the fantastic skill to detect and bypass various traps, holes, pits, swamps, etc.


Another demon horse whose fate did not turn out well. Fasfer became a victim of human cruelty. He was caught and chained, had a bridle with a rusty codpiece put on it and a chain shoved up his back so that the chain protruded from his belly. No doubt, the creature to this day has not been able to forgive humans for the torment they endured. Fasphere is better off out of sight, for now he kills everyone who crosses his path.


The sea creature owes its appearance to a romantic story with a tragic ending. Tersanov once created Neptune to save his beloved mermaid. She was caught by humans - they wanted to show her to the world, but as a result, they killed her. When Neptune and a hundred Tersans did find the mermaid, she was already dead. Now the Tersans are destined to go out every night to the seashore and leave scarlet bloody footprints in memory of Neptune's beloved.

Tersans are very beautiful creatures. When they come ashore, they transform into snow-white horses for a few minutes. Their strength can be compared to the power of a tsunami, their speed of movement to a hurricane, and their beauty to the ocean. But at the same time Tersans are extremely unpredictable. They can save a man or drown him. Since Tersans are considered judges of the underwater kingdom, we can assume that, like Kirin, the creatures determine a man's fate by his actions.

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